127 Hours (2010)

A review of Danny Boyle’s film about the story of stranded climber Aron Ralston. This film starred James Franco in a tense role.

“Captain America” By Ed Brubaker

Reviews of the Ed Brubaker run that was collected in the “Captain America”, “Death of Captain America”, & “Captain America Lives” omnibus volumes.

The King’s Speech (2010)

A review of the Tom Hooper film from 2010 starring Colin Firth. The film would later go on to win Best Picture.

Tron Legacy (2010)

A review of Joseph Kosinski’s sequel to the classic 1982 Stephen Lisberger film. It starred Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, & Bruce Boxleitner.

Pirate Latitudes By Michael Crichton

A review of the final novel by author Michael Crichton. This book was a previously-unfinished pirate story that Crichton’s publisher put out after his death.